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Shipment Details

Waybill Number

The Waybill number can be found on the pre-printed shipping pack below the barcode.

Sender Details

Parcel Details

Note: We do not accept

Fresh produce, Frozen food, Other perishable food items, TV's, Furniture, Fire arms, Ammunition, Explosives, Live Animals, Human remains, Cash, Monetary vouchers or cards, Temperature controlled medication (incl. prescription), Cell phones, Laptops, Lithium batteries, Gaming consoles, Watches, Jewellery, Paint, NO LIQUIDS/beverages, Tyres, Original Certificates or Degrees, Building plans, Machinery, Car parts, Dangerous goods, Contraband and illegal substances, Plants, Flowers, Hair Extensions or wig’s, Poorly packaged fragile goods.

Receiver Details

Parcel Details

Note: We do not accept

Fresh produce, Frozen food, Other perishable food items, TV's, Furniture, Fire arms, Ammunition, Explosives, Live Animals, Human remains, Cash, Monetary vouchers or cards, Temperature controlled medication (incl. prescription), Cell phones, Laptops, Lithium batteries, Gaming consoles, Watches, Jewellery, Paint, NO LIQUIDS/beverages, Tyres, Original Certificates or Degrees, Building plans, Machinery, Car parts, Dangerous goods, Contraband and illegal substances, Plants, Flowers, Hair Extensions or wig’s, Poorly packaged fragile goods.

Terms & Conditions

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